7:38 – They will be starting at 7:45. Maes and Buck are here both talking to 1 or 2 people. Don't see any of the others yet.
7:51 – Ok we're starting. We now have the Comcast VP of customer service selling how wonderful Comcast is serving small business customers (yeah right).
7:56 – Finally listing out the three fastest growing minority owned businesses in Colorado. Short video of Innovar talking about what they do, but the video didn't work for the other two (must be run by Comcast). #3 Innovar Group, #2 J Blanco, #1 RTL Networks.
8:02 – Ok they're all up there. Romanoff and Webb gave each other a hug – nice to see that both teams can stay on good terms.
8:07 – Webb starting for Michael. Talking about Bennet being in DC to vote including the vote yesterday to extend unemployment benefits. Then discussing his background as not a politician – successful in business, in the mayor's office, and as superintendent. Going in to his efforts at DPS delivering real results. Now talking about Washington not knowing the real world, but Michael does because he's new to Washington. Michael is focused on solving problems.
8:09 – Romanoff starts off saying if you like the way Washington works, you should vote for someone else. Then says the Senate has become the place where good ideas go to die. Says that it's not enough to say the right thing and write letters if you vote the wrong way. Romanoff is speaking quickly and shooting out specific after specific. Next talking about how he got needed legislation through the state legislature, and did so by bringing in Republican support.
8:12 – Norton starts off congratulating the winners and thanking the sponsors. Says she is running for one simple reason – the federal government is out of control. She also says that Washington is taking over everything and we need to bring back our freedom. She says that government cannot create jobs, only private industry can. She then says government needs to increase jobs (weird combo). Second she says we need to reduce government spending. Third, bring back freedom. Now talking about her work as LtGov to bring more business to small & minority owned businesses. Listing out her work experience in the government (lots of jobs there). Wants to extend the Bush tax cuts (said that by name) and eliminate the estate tax.
8:16 – Buck starts off talking about how he's from Weld County and they have no sales tax. Listing of his bio public & private. Listing the reduction in the crime rate in Weld County calling out the preventative programs as the important part of reducing crime. Makes particular mention of efforts to keep kids in school.
8:18 – Hickenlooper talking about travelling around the country and how people are worried about finding a job or keeping a job. And that there is anger at the government. Now talking about how with his background he is uniquely able to most quickly turn the state around. Did a funny line about how running a state is like running a government. Now talking about how it's important to not put your opponent down because that puts all their supporters down. Back to helping the economic future of the state. Finished with a thank you to everyone for being here.
8:21 – Maes starts off introducing himself. Next says he's got a little bit of liberalism in him from going to school at Univ of Wisconsin. Talked about his experience in business to business growing the companies he worked for. Talking also about the diversity of his staff at each company. Next talked about putting everything he has into his own company that he started. For the state wants to resize and restructure the government, i.e. downsize. Wants to get our energy industry strong in the state. Finally wants to reduce taxes starting with eliminating the business personal property tax.
8:24 – McInnis – starting off with the horrible job picture and the number of jobs we are losing. Discusses how job losses here are worse than national and says that is because this state is antagonistic to business. Now talking in to this past legislative session was the most anti-business session ever. Calling out his "Democratic opponent" on item after item – will de-unionize state employees, will be pro-business. That he will give business anything & everything they want to increase jobs.
8:27 – First question – Way in which you have helped business and government work together.
Romanoff – talked to businesses across the state to determine how to address the slowdown and came up with ref C. Then worked to pass it.
Norton – As LtGov wanted to help small business get medical insurance. Worked on legislation to reduce malpractice costs and to come up with way to pool health insurance. Said that when the Republicans lost control all that went away (huh?).
Buck – As D.A. was approached about concern with bank problems by the local business community. Created a white collar crimes group which has taken out the crooks.
Hick – Started with his efforts in the LoDo business community working with the city. Then as mayor, working to address the homeless (to get them off the street). Didn't really answer the question.
Maes – Brings up that he's been in business forever so he comes at it from the businessperson perspective. Say the biggie is to get regulations and taxes out of their way.
McInnis – Work on making the Sand Dunes a National ??? That was done in a bi-partisan manner. Talking about his time in the state legislature with bills he has done that are business friendly. But interesting that he didn't talk about working with business.
Webb – What you don't want is a government bureaucrat sitting on a contract so you don't get the business. Brings up a specific case where Bennet pushed to get a contract through the system so Buffalo Industries could then stay in business.
8:36 – How do we sell & brand Colorado?
Norton – Says most people across the nation have a wonderful view of Colorado. Most proud of Colorado's first class workforce.
Buck – Recruits from across the country and stress the quality of life here in Colorado.
Hick – Talks about how we are an incredibly pro-business environment which works well to attract companies. Then discusses how they benefit from a place where employees want to move to.
Maes – Talking about the great quality of life here with all the wonderful things you can do here. Also the youthful and highly educated workforce.
McInnis – Says he first asks people what they think of Colorado. From that he knows what positives to bring up to sell Colorado. Then switches back to got to fix the economy and eliminate oil & gas regulations.
Webb – Talking about our high rating for business, employees, and being a leader in aerospace, high tech, etc.
Romanoff – Talks about highly educated population being key to our success to date and how it's critical to address education (funding) to continue being a great place for everyone.
8:41 – Do you support new laws that place more public employees under collective bargaining.
Buck – no
Hick – no
Maes – no
McInnis – no
Webb – pass
Romanoff – address this better.
Norton – no
8:42 – What groups have been most hurt by the economic downturn.
Hick – Minority and women owned business
Maes – many
McInnis – everybody
Webb – Boost lending
Romanoff – African American.
Norton – Hispanic.
Buck – Working poor
8:44 – Arizona "show me your papers" law – do you support the US lawsuit to overturn this.
Maes – no
McInnis – no
Webb – looking through his notes. Found it – Yes.
Romanoff – yes
Norton – no
Buck – no
Hick – no, but does not support the law.
8:45 – When elected what is the first action you will take to improve Colorado' economic wellbeing
McInnis – will de-unionize the state employees on day one. Will put great effort in to who he appoints to run the state.
Webb – Extend unemployment benefits.
Romanoff – Access to loans and capital.
Norton – Providing a level of certainty in the market – tax & regulatory level. And repeal Obama Care.
Buck – Constitutional balanced budget amendment.
Hick – Put together the right team. Attract people from the private sector, non-profit sector, etc. and get quality people in. Then bring in fiscal responsibility and require departments to find savings within themselves.
Maes – "Did you steal my notes mayor?" Reduce the tax burden on companies (what tax burden??? Taxes here are very low).
8:52 – (What's the BFD about immigration???) Question is are the Colorado immigration laws effective?
Webb – the Colorado laws are effective but we need national immigration reform.
Romanoff – It was better than the alternatives that were killed. Talked about the need for a way for business to be able to verify that workers are legal.
Norton – It was good for Colorado, but the feds have not done their job securing our borders. Is opposed to amnesty, but does favor a temporary worker program.
Buck – Laws only as good as their enforcement and enforcement has been spotty. Feds have done a lousy job securing the borders and we need an effective guest worker program.
Hick – Good law, and we do need a working federal system and guest worker program. Then talking about the American "brand" and over half the start-ups in silicon valley have a founder who is an immigrant. So we need to come up with a system that speaks well of America.
Maes – Talking about relatives he has that are from Latin America. Says the existing law is good, but is not being enforced. Needs to limit spending to people who are here legally.
McInnis – Says we must clearly differentiate between legal and illegal immigration. Therefore we must enforce the law. Pinging Hick for Denver being a "sanctuary city."
9:00 – Do you support the winter Olympics coming here?
Romanoff – yes
Norton – yes
Buck – yes
Hick – yes
Maes – yes
McInnis – yes
Webb – yes
9:01 – What keeps you awake at night (once you're elected)?
Norton – 13 trillion dollar debt
Buck - Folks that can't find jobs.
Hick – need to rapidly turn the economy around.
Maes – making sure I honor the commitments I've made.
McInnis – the higher ed funding model.
Webb – we might be the first generation to leave less to our children.
Romanoff – The children who are unable to fulfill their potential due to the luck of the draw.
9:03 – Do you think the new healthcare law is good or bad
Buck – Wants to undo it. Talking about the payoffs to Senators to get their vote and how that's corrupt. Second need to introduce many more free market principles to make it work.
Hick – Everyone agrees with the goals of the bills, but we're concerned that it took 2,800 pages. Sees Colorado as well situated to get what's in the bill right.
Maes – Be afraid when government comes in to help business. This is overhead and cost imposed on business and is unconstitutional. It's bad for business.
McInnis – it is bad legislation and is bad for business. Brought up that Hick did not say if he was in favor or against it. Talking about a bagel shop that will close stores because of the additional costs and mandates that the healthcare legislation will impose. Bad for business.
Webb – Everyone knows skyrocketing healthcare costs have forced some businesses to close and others to drop insurance. And this bill will provide tax credits to make it affordable and to hold down healthcare costs (I most have missed the cost reduction part). And this is the #1 issue for Bennet.
Romanoff – Bill makes life better, but it did not actually reform the delivery of care or the reduction of cost. That much more work remains to be done. And we need to move from fee for service to one that is focused on more effective care.
Norton – Need to undo the bill and pass an effective healthcare bill. Tort reform, tax equality, etc. But not a government takeover.
9:11 – Closing remarks
Hick – Thanks all. Spent my whole life bringing people together to find solutions. Talking about his experience where he's had to cover a payroll, he understands the burden of red tape for the other side.
Maes – The people are awake in 2010 and the want fiscal conservatism and freedom. They want government out of our lives.
McInnis – State of Colorado is not just metro Denver. But all the major politicos are from Denver. Need someone who understands what business needs and will veto the toughest anti-drilling regulations in the state.
Webb – Tough for all of us to make choices. Michael exposed "back room" deals in the Senate. When DPS was a mess Bennet restructured the budget so that DPS has a strong budget. And he brought in minority contractors to build new DPS schools.
Romanoff – Wants a world where children are judged by the content of their character. And a willingness to reward good ideas, because no single party has a monopoly on good ideas. He will work to bring everyone together to solve problems.
Norton – I'm the pro-business candidate in this race. She understand business and what they need to bring people back to work. Ends asking for the vote.
Buck – Government is out of control on spending and the healthcare solution is all wrong. Ends asking for the vote.
All done
Thoughts about this.
- McInnis said his expertise includes water. Dude, don't go there!
- Webb saying he had to check his notes got a good laugh.
- McInnis took a number of swings at Hick. But none of them landed and Hick ignored them.
- Norton comes across as a talking points machine. There's no there there. There was no passion in her presentation.
- Romanoff did a good job staying positive while differentiating himself from Bennet.