From Morey Bean:
Hi Dave,
As a 501c(3) the Urban Land Institute is private, non-profit organization, a professional membership group supporting best practices and education in growth, land use and development. Hence the group, our Boulder committee included, is prohibited from engaging in direct political or lobbying activity, and doesn't make candidate endorsements. The national organization's website is:; the Colorado District Council's website is
I am a ULI member helping the Boulder group put together this effort; Danica Powell chairs our Boulder Events Committee and Michael Leccese is ULI Colorado's Executive Director. I've copied them on this email for their more official response to your other questions.
Generally, we're looking forward to more of an exchange of ideas at the forum between ULI members and event guest and the candidates rather than a highly structured Q&A or platform debate.
You're welcome to join us for the forum on Wednesday, September 30 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM at the West Senior Center. The cost for ULI members is $10.00, non-ULI members $15.00, assessed to support the costs related to the forum and sustaining our organization.
Thanks for your interest in the event; should be very informative.
Morey Bean, AIA, LEED AP