Update: Rob's reply here.
The Daily Camera reports:
A Boulder activist and candidate for City Council has filed a complaint with the city clerk alleging that the Camera unfairly provided editorial space to one of his competitors.
In a complaint filed with the city Tuesday, Smoke, 53, alleges that the Camera rejected publishing in its print edition a guest opinion that he submitted, while at the same time accepting and publishing an op-ed written by incumbent candidate Macon Cowles.
I find it interesting that Rob is complaining about not receiving "equal" time in the Camera, yet was the one council candidate to turn down an interview on this blog. I guess Rob wants equal time, except when he doesn't. With that said, Rob has a point as Macon's piece was, in my opinion, a thinly veiled campaign piece. How could it be anything else when it was about the main issue in this campaign?
Rob, if you really are interested in getting your voice heard, I'm happy to help:
- Email me your letter you wanted printed in the Camera and I'll post it here. This site is getting several hundred visitors/day (it grows to thousands/day as we approach the election) and 99% of them are active & interested voters. (Update: Rob's reply here.)
- The offer of an interview is still open. If you want your message out there I'm happy to spend an hour interviewing you.
Just let me know – [email protected]