« Downtown Boulder, Inc. Questionaire |
| Boulder Hotel & Motel Association Questionnaire »
- Do you intend to follow Boulder's Campaign Finance Reform limits? Will you accept matching funds? Please explain your philosophy regarding this issue.
- To meet current and future budget challenges, what City expenses (such as meals, travel, dues, subscriptions, furniture, office equipment, vehicles, management salaries, staff positions, library services, recreational services, etc) would you favor reducing or eliminating?
- Are you in favor of dedicated taxes, such as those for open space and transportation and climate action, or do you favor gradually aggregating all City tax revenues into the general fund? Please explain your reasoning.
- How can development, housing, and transportation work together to make Boulder more sustainable?
- The City is about half-way to its established goal of 10% permanently affordable housing. At present, about 30% of Boulder residents experience economic hardship and 45% qualify for affordable housing. What strategies do you propose regarding our affordable housing stock and how would you fund them?
- In the Open Space and Mountain Parks budget, do you think Boulder currently achieves the right balance between new purchases and operations/maintenance? If you would change the balance, what would you emphasize?
- Do you believe the Boulder Climate Action Program is headed in the right direction to achieve the Kyoto goal? What programs are currently most effective and what else should be done to move us toward the goal? What new ordinances would you consider passing to reduce our carbon footprint?
Boulder is lauded for its excellent network of alternate mode transportation options, but reductions in this sector are needed to meet climate action goals. Do you support the following measures to further improve the situation? Please explain. If you support any of these, please indicate your plan for funding and implementation.
- extending the Eco-pass program to a larger proportion of our residents
- bike-only routes on certain streets (with local car-traffic for residents), or on main streets on certain days
- pedestrian friendly streetscapes
- incentives or regulations favoring small and energy efficient cars
- greatly expanded carshare and bikeshare programs
- full implementation of transportation demand management.
- What plans do you have to stimulate Boulder's economy in ways that will move the City toward its Climate Action goals?
- Do you support passage and implementation of the Compatible Development program? Please explain.