let's start with this tidbit from Jared Bernstein
But tax policy can only offset the disconnect; it can't repair it. For that you need robust job creation, restraints on capital excesses, deep infrastructure investment, single-payer health care, and long-term energy policy with job-creating investments in green tech and alternative energy sources.
If we wait for Washington we're going to be waiting a long time for some of this. If we get our okole in gear here in Colorado, we can boost our economy - and do it quickly.
So here's what I think we need to do here, as quickly as possible, in the upcoming legislative session. If the Governor and the legislature rolls up their sleves and says they will complete these items, we could be starting a nice growth curve by summer.
- Pass a sensible, comprehensive transportation bill that is improving our infrastructure as quickly as can be efficiently done.
- Figure out how to make us a carbon neutral net electricity exporter within 6 years. This provides major benefits not only from the power generation but it will lock us in as the center of green energy in the country.
- Make healthcare available to all and provided directly (not through an employer). This both solves the healthcare crisis and makes businesses more efficient. (Maybe the answer is requiring all insurance companies to offer a basic HMO to families at a price that can't exceed by more than 10% the best price they offer any company.)
- Fix TABOR!
- Figure out what we are going to do for transportation - rail, electric cars, etc. We need to address congeston, moving beyond oil, everything.
- Fix our K-12 schools. BVSD is failing 30% of their students. DPS it's over 50%. We cannot succeed as a society if this many students are not given the fundamental skills necessary to succeed.
- Fix Higher-Ed. A bachelors degree is now the minimum needed to have a decent shot in life. We need to first work to get all students through college (not just high school), and second have Higher-Ed be free just as K-12 is
Yes the above is a substantial list. But I think it is eminently doable. And the alternative is what? That we punt on one of the above? Where will we be then?
These are also issues that will have the support of the vast majority of the residents of this state. Yes people will argue on the details. But the basic concepts will have wide support.
Good list? Bad? Missing anything?