Here's the latest from the Obama campaign:
The Obama campaign reports that Broomfield County is short confirmed delegates to attend the State Convention this Saturday
Remember, if only one person in each of the 64 counties doesn't show up, Senator Obama loses a National Delegate.
If you are a delegate you made a promise to everyone else at the County Convention that you will attend the state convention. You took the place of other candidates who were ready to attend. You need to go down to fulfill your commitment.
And for those that are upset with something, anything, that occurred in the campaign, CD-2 convention, or something that another person working for Obama did or did not do recently - please drop it. This is much bigger than any petty little issue like that.
This primary may be almost over - but the key word is almost. A delegate gain for Hillary Clinton this Saturday would be newsworthy. Lets all go down there and make this an un-newsworthy event.
And for all you alternates, I believe at the CD-2 convention last weekend every alternate who was there was seated, and they were still short a few. So go on down and visit the Springs this Saturday.