First we had Crystal Gray who resigned as Adams County parks and open space director after 7 News found she spent most of her work day shopping, getting her hair done, etc. Now we have a 7 News story about the Adams County directory of public works giving sweetheart deals to a friend.
The director of the Adams County Public Works Department is on administrative leave after a CALL7 Investigation uncovered millions of dollars in no-bid contracts he approved to a Henderson road construction and paving company.
And the Adams County administrator comes across as a total dim bulb:
"Until we asked questions, you weren't aware that you'd given $12 million in sole source contracts to Quality Paving?" CALL7 Investigator John Ferrugia asked Robinson. "That's correct," he answered.
How clueless is the Adams County government?
Not only did county officials not know about the extent of the no-bid work Quality received, they also did not know about a state statute requiring bidding of highway work that cost more than $5,000. "So you didn't really know about this law?" Ferrugia asked. "That's correct," Robinson admitted. "That was not anything that was contained within our purchasing policies or was really part of our thinking."
Which leads to one question. Why does Jim Robinson still have a job? How inept do you have to be to get fired in Adams County. (Clearly the answer is you can be totally inept, just don't let 7 News find out.)
I sure hope in November that the Adams County voters replace the doorknobs they presently have with competent commissioners.