Ok, Will charged Jared with incomplete donor filings. Jared raised Will with fradulent donor filings. Now Will raises Jared with stealing their donor list and violating the CANSPAM act.
It has come to our attention that you may be receiving unsolicited emails from the Jared Polis campaign. We believe their campaign may have illegally obtained our donor email list. While we continue to investigate we urge you to call the Polis campaign at (303) 381-0121 and ask to be removed from their list and also ask how they obtained your email address in the first place. You can also follow this link to file a complaint with the FTC if you would like to do so https://rn.ftc.gov/pls/dod
At the Shafroth campaign we have a policy of not selling or giving away your personal information and we are taking this breach very seriously. Please feel free to call me on my cell phone with any questions (303)579-8794.
Sincerely, Lynea Hansen
Pretty clearly Jared pounded Will back hard to try and end Will taking this approach. And now pretty clearly Will is taking that not as a warning but as a challange and is firing back with a pretty serious claim.
I don't think anyone predicted this - Joan keeps her head down and Jared and Will fire at each other. Joan's gotta be having a good day.
Anyone out there that is on Will's email list but not Jared's? If so, did you recently start getting emails from Jared's campaign? (I'm on all 3 so I would not know.)
If this did happen, this will be very bad for Jared. If this did not happen, it's very hard to prove a negative. So not good for Jared.
ps - Will sends a link for complaints - and it's the U.S. Army's link to the FTC. Any idea why?