Ok, all of the candidates who ran in the special election have a gigantic advantage here - as they got hammered in what was my first post ever about local Boulder politics and was the impetus to my continuing to blog about the Council election. (Just think, if many of the original answers had not been so brain dead, I probably would not be blogging about the election.)
So here we go with a combination of new and "experienced" candidates on the question, If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you want with you? (click here and go to Q&A link on each candidate for their answers.) I have put an * next to the candidates from the special election as they knew how I would respond to this.
Matthew Applebaum * A+ : Excellent answer pointing out the question truly is silly.
Philip Bradley * D- : Ok, Philip has what he needs to survive on the island. And good thing since he's never getting off. But Philip, as was pointed out to you in the special election - what you want is to get off the island! (D- instead of a C- because he got hammered for this in the special election - learn!)
Seth Brigham A : Ok, Seth is not getting off the island. But he is set up to be so happy there it's not clear he would want to be rescued. I have to admit, it's a very good answer that is different from the rest.
Shawn Coleman * B- : Ok, Shawn will get rescued sort-of soon. But he's sure going to be hungry and thirsty when they get to him.
Macon Cowles C- : Food and water - good answers. You're not getting off the island but you will survive there. But a tree??? Either the island already has trees (very likely) or trees are not sustainable in the environment. (A tree?)
Angelique Espinoza * A+ : Angelique aced this question last time and does so again. She's off that island and back home in time to have dinner with her family.
Crystal Gray A+ : Funny, funny, funny answer. And she's off the island and not only misses no time while waiting for the rescue, but has her boyfriend there to take care of her. Like Seth she may decide she doesn't want to be rescued.
Andrew Harrison F- : Well Andrew is going to be very happy for about 4 - 8 hours. And then he's going to die quite quickly from starvation. But he can try eating his surfboard.
Philip Hernandez * D+ : Phillip will survive, and good thing since he's never going to be rescued. Unlike Macon, all 3 items make sense. (D+ instead of a C+ because he got hammered for this in the special election - learn!)
Nabil Karkamaz F- : no Q&A
Kathryn Kramer * A : Very good answer. Kathryn was one of only 3 in the special election who would have gotten off the island too.
Adam Massey A- : Very logical and clever answer. Adam is making it a bit harder on himself as he wants to assemble the boat first but hey, he gets home.
Lisa Morzel B- : Lisa would probably survive on the island. But it's unlikely she is going to make it home. Because she can communicate with her 3 sons but when she sends the email "come rescue mom" - how does she tell them where she is?
Alan O'Hashi * F-- : Alan really likes to make this question as hard as possible, both last time and this time. Alan, you're given the opportunity to have 3 things with you - use the opportunity. Alan will die quickly on the island.
Susan Osborne A : Excellent answer, getting off the island and has company while doing so. (I assume Alan is either her husband or her favorite Chippendale dancer.)
Eugene Pearson * C- : For the second time Eugene is stuck on the island (how did he get back when stuck there in the special election question?). Eugene, on something this important - don't assume. You could have returned to civilization if you had only asked.
Susan Peterson * F- : I get the feeling some of the candidates didn't read my post on this last time (although everyone I ran into in Boulder sure had). Once again Susan will die quickly with no food and no way to get any food. And her family will die with her as she had them dumped off there too.
Larry Quilling A++ : We have a winner! Best answer ever.
Tom Riley * A : Very solid two-part answer. If it's an option, what he needs to be quickly rescued. If that is not an option, very sensible tools.
Eric Rutherford C : Eric is another one who's never coming home. But he will survive on the island.
Rob Smoke ? : If his last girlfriend is there by choice, great answer. If she is not there by choice, very bad answer.
Ken Wilson * A : Solid answer to get him off the island quickly - and to be comfortable until rescued. (This does match Ken - solid, sensible answers.)