The Colorado Daily has it's endorsements out and no giant surprises. This is actually a pretty disappointing list. Usual disclaimer, my complaints is not with the individual endorsees, I support some of them. My complaint is that the Daily barely looked outside their short list. The endorsements are:
- Shawn Coleman
- Matt Applebaum
- Eugene Pearson
- Crystal Gray
- Larry Quilling
- Adam Massey
- Susan Osborne
To start, Shawn and Eugene were slam dunk endorsements for the Daily. Both are young credible compelling candidates - someone students can relate to. These were going to happen regardless.
Cyystal/Susan seem to be required endorsements for everyone. So the Daily jumped on that bus along with everyone else. Again, totally expected.
Matt Applebaum is expected, but to give credit where credit is due, is slightly outside the core usual suspects. And they do give Matt credit for having an independent mind.
Larry Quilling is the one candidate where the Daily stretched a bit. Larry is a bit of a long shot and not one of the anointed environmental candidates. But he is a very qualified candidate. So we give the Daily credit here for making an independent decision.
And then they lose all that credit with their rec of Adam Massey. Adam is putting in basically zero effort on this campaign. Attending virtually no forums, writing as little as possible in the questionnaires, basically no effort. His plan is to coast in (on his bicycle) to a win on a couple of endorsements. Say he gets elected - would he even bother to show up for council meetings?
So there we have it, 4 totally predictable endorsements, 2 good ones, and 1 lousy one. Not an effort to be proud of.
ps - I think how the Weekly lists their thoughts on some of the remaining candidates helps a lot in understanding the effort they put in and their criteria. I think the Camera and Daily would be well served to emulate that.