One week to go! If you know any of the candidates send them a hug - boy do they need it right now. And with that, the latest news.
- The Boulder County Clerk's office has a great report on incoming ballots here. 12,517 ballots so far and the second largest number in was today. And if this goes like the special election, we may see over 25,000 votes total.
- We have a 3rd local political blog. Please go take a look at Tyson Politics. He has a very thoughtful set of endorsements with good reasoning behind each.
- For those that missed it, the 2nd local blog is Real Liberal Boulder which is mostly about endorsements and who will win. But it's something. (standard disclaimer - he has some facts wrong.)
- Alan O-Hashi has video commercials. This is one of the great things about the web - before this a council candidate could never have had video commercials. In another 4 years everyone will be doing them (6 years probably for Susan Osborne).
- I just updated The Big Line based on the latest candidate financial filings.
- This blog continues to get about 500 hits/day. The really popular pages are the on-line debate and the candidate grades (more the individual pages than the summation ones).
- Apparently if you live in a corner house on Table Mesa you are required by law to have a yard sign for Lisa and Angelique. At the South end of town there is also an occasional Phil Hernandez, Macon Cowles, and Larry Quilling sign (never on a corner) - and that's it.
- Eric Rutherford wins the award for worst signs. You can't read his name on them because they are so busy. I only figured out what they were because I look for candidate signs - and it still took me awhile. And he's a Realtor - they live on signs with a giant clear For Sale on them.
- I asked at my daughter's soccer game Sunday who everyone is voting for - and again not a single one could even name anyone. But most said they are going to figure it out this week. How they will figure it out is the million dollar question (my guess is the web).
- 21 days since the Monarch cell phone story broke and still nothing from BVSD. Contemptible.
Did I mention only 1 week to go? And remember, you can mail your ballot in with just a 1¢ stamp. Update: This may be illegal.