The Boulder Weekly has it's endorsements out and I have to say they did a good job.
First off, I want to be clear I don't agree with a lot of the Weekly endorsements. But as most of the endorsements to date have been so incredibly closed and discriminatory that I'm thrilled to see someone take a true open-minded approach to the process. So let's look at the Weekly Seven:
- Macon Cowles
- Angelique Espinoza
- Crystal Gray
- Lisa Morzel
- Alan O'Hashi
- Susan Osborne
- Eugene Pearson
Ok, Macon, Crystal, Lisa, and Susan O are the standard very liberal environment-centric candidates. But the Boulder Weekly is a very liberal environment-centric publication and so endorsing those four is reasonable. What is stand-out is the expected endorsements stop there.
Angelique & Eugene are a natural endorsements for the Weekly, but only if they took the time to learn about them. Based on what the Weekly wrote about each, they clearly did their homework on each and from that selected them. And selected them over choices such as Ken Wilson and Matt Applebaum.
Their selection of Shawn shows that the Weekly is interested in a council that has some breadth of background and philosophy. Shawn is not a "natural" for the Weekly in terms of his political philosophy and the Weekly's endorsement speaks well for Shawn. But it speaks even better for the Weekly's desire to have some breadth on the council.
Finally, their selection of Alan is where the Weekly clearly is making it's choice on who the best candidates are (in their opinion). Not based on who is supposedly electable. Not on who is in the anointed group of liberals. Alan is a superb choice for the Weekly, but one that shows the Weekly was focused on taking the time to determine the best candidates and then endorsing them.
Now lets look at a couple of the others they commented on:
They basically give Larry a semi-endorsement. Once again it shows they clearly took the time to learn how knowledgeable Larry is on environmental issues and how much volunteer time he puts in.
They damned Mr. Lazy Butt (Adam) with faint praise while every other liberal group says nothing because Adam is in the anointed group. Once again showing the Weekly truly evaluated each candidate.
They even looked fairly at Eric and gave clear legitimate reasons for why the Weekly does not support him (it's because they are all stoners).
Boulder Weekly, I don't agree with all of your choices, but boy do I respect how you arrived at them. Thank you.