Update: This post is for the candidates in the special election back in the summer 2007. If you are looking for information in the upcoming November 2009 election, please take a look at:
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The Boulder Daily Camera sent each candidate for the upcoming special election a questionaire. One of the questions was "Tell us three things you'd want to have with you on a deserted island" which I at first thought was just there for fun. But after reading through the candidates answers to each question, I think that this question may be our best guide to the candidates.
We need council members who can solve problems rather than who just try to make the best of a problem. There were only three candidates who's list of three things were what they needed to get off the island. And for the rest, some very interesting answers.
So here we go with a grade for each candidate in alpha order:
Update: click the link on each candidate to see their answer.
Matthew Appelbaum - D What he needs to keep himself happily entertained. But no food and nothing to use to get food so he'll starve to death shortly. But he won't be bored.
Eric Bodenstab - B What he needs to stay alive. And "a plan to get off the island." So we can assume if he is on the council he will ask for a plan for any issue. However, it would be better if he could put in the effort to come up with a plan himself - this is not rocket science.
Philip Bradley - C Everything he needs to stay alive on the island indefinitely. Which is a good thing as there is no thought given to getting off the island.
Shawn Coleman - C+ He's going to be awfully hungry but he also asked for a beacon so if a ship or plane is in the area he'll be found. Hopefully before he starves to death as he'll only have water.
Angelique Espinoza - A+ Absolute perfect. If only the City Council could reach such simple and clear solutions.
Philip Hernandez - C Another with everything he needs to stay alive on the island indefinitely. Which is a good thing as there is no thought given to getting off the island.
Kathryn Kramer - A- I really liked her answer but I am assuming she does not know how to fly a helicopter in which case it won't do her much good. But taking it as a way of saying "transportation off the island" she gets an A. (Plus we're desperate for candidates who think about resolving the problem.)
Alan O'Hashi - D- There's an interesting challange and there's risking your life for no good reason. And on the Council I think it's much better to take advantage of any and all information, programs, people, etc when trying to find solutions. (Note: I do think Alan would be a good Council member but I think he gave a terrible answer to this question.)
Eugene Pearson - C- Ok, he'll probably survive and he balanced it with some entertainment and his dog which is both companionship and a help surviving. So a bit riskier but a happier life if he does make it. But again, nothing to help him get off.
Susan Peterson - F To start with no food and no means to gather or grow food. So she would die. But she would bring her family too so they would all die. And if for any reason they did survive, they're all stuck there.
Tom Riley - F-- Ok, clearly he did not get the question. If you have a University and progressive community on the island - it's not deserted. But lets say it is - then he has forced 80,000 people to be isolated with him for his own comfort.
John Welsh - A I love his answer - a satellite phone so he can call and then kick back and wait for the rescue. Definitely the low effort way off.
Ken Wilson - D+ Ok, his request for healthy food means he will survive. But who asks for open space on a deserted island. As opposed to what - high rises left by a vanished tribe? And he is definitely never getting rescued.
Frank Zoldak - C+ I give him the + because I also don't think I could live without Pepsi. And he will survive and I assume get good exercise. But again, no rescue for Frank.
Ok, so we drop the 14 off on their deserted islands and 4 will die (2 of them taking others with them), 6 are stuck on their islands indefinitely, 1 will get off if he was given a workable plan (hopefully it was not one that was put together by a City Commission because then he's toast), and we have just 3 left back here in time to run for office.
If you want someone who proactively will find solutions to problems - it looks like the choices are Espinoza, Kramer, or Welsh. Should this be the only criteria for casting your vote? Absolutely not. But I do think it is one of those questions that tell us a lot more about a candidate than you realize at first. And I do think the three that would get themselves off the island are each worth a serious look.
Coming next - a dive into the details but not in the normal meaning of the term.