For those that have missed it, a couple of GOP wingnuts are trying to bring down the entire Hawaii Republican party. The emails they sent over the last 2 days are here. The first is funny but the second makes them look like a bunch of whiners.
So today they sent this one. (Notice in the picture at the bottom everyone voting has long pants on - must have been real cold that election day.)
And at the bottom it talks about a plan "they found on the internet." Someone who can save the Hawaii GOP. What luck that they just happened to stumble on this plan. We know people as obviously honorable and forthright as this group (who uses an anonomous email account and stole the email list from the GOP) would not be lying to us. No way.
So who is this hero that they found for us (actually for you as I don't live in Hawaii)? His name is Eric Ryan and a quick google search shows that his total political activity (aside from bitching in web posts) was a failed effort to stop a rail tax 14 years ago. And that appears to be the only thing he has done.
This is the best they could find? Someone who's entire political effort (writing doesn't count unless you get paid to do it) was a single failure 14 years ago? Wow, they are really pulling out the big guns.
And his plan of action. To kick out every Republican who has accomplished something. Getting elected is hard. Running a state effectively is even harder. The elected Republicans and the Lingle administration are the Republicans who have accomplished this difficult task. And this is who he wants to get rid of?
This guy is dumber than George Bush. Give a moron a soapbox and he's still a moron.