Ok, those of us who have never been in a war (like me) can never come close to understanding what it is like. But we should try as we have sent our countries best in to harms way. And no matter how much one opposes the war, we, as a country, have sent them there to fight for us.
I want to present just two sources from the front lines. They are not the only sources. But I think both are excellent.
First is Michael Yon who has done the best job of giving a picture of life for the grunts at the point of the spear. A lot of his writing is what is going on. Not why, not large scale strategy. But small scale unit combat that occurs every day.
- Gates of Fire - Close combat in Iraq. The best single article to come out of Iraq.
- Walk the Line parts 1, 2, & 3 - Life for the troops today.
- When Less is Too Much - A guest post about the stupidity of the surge
- Al Sahab: The Cloud - One of his stories about how the Army is purposely trying to eliminate all embedded reporters in Iraq.
Second is The Sandbox which comes from Garry Trudeau (Doonesbury) and Slate Magazine. This posts by troops in the field. Hundreds of them. Each a different point of view by a different soldier, marine, sailor, or airman. And they are all excellent. Just amazing.
And with a hundred points of view it is something that in total seems very balanced. Definitely the most comprehensive picture you can get of what is happening on the line in the GWOT.
If you know of of other good sites, please post in the comments.