Three of the big problems the world faces are:
- Global Warming
- Oil shortages
- High oil prices are funding terrorism
And these three problems are clearly interrelated. What's interesting is probably a majority of people in the U.S. agree that these problems, all three of them, are some of the most serious problems we face.
And the U.S. acting alone, can go a long way toward resolving all three. Imagine if the U.S. suddenly needed no oil for electrical generation or automobiles. What would we get?
- Our carbon emissions would drop below the Kyoto guidelines. If this did not stop global warming, it would at least drastically slow it.
- Gas prices would drop precipitously. With this giant reduction in demand, we could see oil drop back to $10 - $12 a barrel.
- If oil dropped that much in price it would totally dry up oil money going to terrorists. The oil countries would need every penny to spend on their citizens and would still face possible unrest from unhappy citizens.
So how do we reach this wonderful state? There is one answer to this - nuclear power. With sufficient nuclear power plants we can not only handle all electrical generation needs in the U.S. eliminating all the coal powered plants, but with more nuclear we could also generate power for electrical and/or hydrogen cars.
This is also the only answer that can provide power on the necessary scale today. Solar, wind, Geo-thermal, wave, etc can all provide some power, but not close to enough. Bio-mass could help some for vehicles but again, not for all of them and that still leaves electricity generation.
I don't understand why people are not demanding we go down this road. It's safer than coal & oil, both of which kill tens of thousands a year in this country from their emissions. And the Navy has shown that it can be made boringly safe.
I think one of the top priorities of this country should be finding 2 or 3 standard safe state of the art designs for nuclear power plants and put us on a crash program to build them out until we eliminate the need for oil in this country.
Of course, if someone has an argument about why nuclear power is worse than; global warming, climbing oil prices, or terrorist funding, I would love to hear it.
postscript: Patrick Moore - Greenpeace founder