When FDR died James Agee wrote A Soldier Died Today. And that title summed it up better than any other for most Americans.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was unarguably one of the three greatest presidents this country has ever had. He took an active role overruling his military to send equipment to Russia when they thought Russia would lose, yet listening to Marshall, King, etc and following their advice in most cases.
This country has had two great wartime leaders (the other of course is Lincoln). WWII was a massive undertaking that truly was a battle for survival. And FDR pushed this country to prosecute the war more aggressively than most people thought was possible - and did so successfully.
Now add this one point - FDR was a Democrat.
It astounds me that the party of FDR, the party of Truman who's administration developed the plan to fight the cold war that the U.S. followed successfully through to the fall of the USSR, the party of Kennedy who successfully handled the Cuban missile crisis (and the possibility of the joint chiefs ordering an attack without Kennedy's approval) - that this party is considered weak on national defense.
Yes Johnson was a disaster in Vietnam - but from being too aggressive. Carter and Clinton didn't face any significant use of the military (and I think Clinton refrained more from what he thought the country would accept).
The Democratic party should be standing up proud that it has a long distinguished history of leading the fight when necessary. It should trumpet FDR, Truman, & Kennedy and under that banner take back the mantle as the best party for wartime leadership.
I don't want to see the Democratic party minimize the advantage the Republicans have on national security - I want to see them take back that advantage. If the Democrats can regain FDR's spirit of Dr. Win the War, then they can regain their previous role as the party of national security.
And with that the November elections become a slam-dunk.
trackbacks: The Command T.O.C., The Indepundit, The Democratic Daily, Daily Kos, Mudville Gazette, MyDD