In all the bad news coming from Katrina, I thought I would share a story of good news.
Months ago adayiniraq posted a suggestion which I think was brilliant. To get a soccer ball in the hands of every kid in Iraq. So we did our part and sent our spare soccer balls and some stuffed animals to SSGT Steven Kiel.
He sent back a message that included this:
"There are some Iraqi soldiers training in a building right next to us, many of them live in the nearby town and get a few days off every few weeks. While talking to one of them, he showed me some pictures of his family. He had a daughter that looked to be about six or seven, so I ended up giving it to him to give to his daughter. He was very thankful. Please let your daughters know that it found a good home. Seeing some of the pictures he showed me, I'm sure it's the best toy that his daughter has.”
This really struck a chord with me and my daughters. So we decided to go all out. We emailed all of the teams in the B.C. Force soccer club (which both of my daughters are members of), asking for old stuffed animals and soccer balls.
I figured we would get a fair number. But I underestimated. Girls were bringing large trash bags filled with stuffed animals. And we're not talking old worn out second-rate toys. There were numerous Build-A-Bears that looked brand new. There was a total of 2 stuffed animals that we did not send.
And how many? On Wednesday a bunch of the kids came over to help pack and we filled 12 boxes that were at the post office maximum of 108" girth + length. The kids had a great time packing and I had a great time going to the Post Office and shipping them out. And today we packed the rest - another 8 boxes.
We are sending 20 boxes of stuffed animals and soccer balls to Iraq to be passed on to kids there. Those kids get some toys that will mean so much to them. I think the love a special stuffed animal can give to a child is universal.
And the kids here opened up their hearts and gave away stuffed animals that they love, because they know how much it will mean to a child in Iraq that has nothing. And we shipped enough soccer balls to outfit all the teams in a small town.
And that was my terrific Wednesday afternoon. What we are calling Operation Teddy Bear.